Category: Uncategorized

  • Taking a Break: Managing Vacation Anxiety in the Tech World

    Taking a Break: Managing Vacation Anxiety in the Tech World

    Working in technology, and particularly in development, makes disconnecting one of the hardest things to achieve. Sometimes I think that a problem-solving brain is like a huge boulder rolling down a hill. At first, it requires a lot of effort to overcome the slope and reach the top, but once there, a final small push…

  • “No, you can’t” – An answer to avoid

    “No, you can’t” – An answer to avoid

    As developers, the ability to confidently say “no” is essential. We must be assertive in declining unreasonable requests or unrealistic deadlines, lest we create expectations we cannot meet. While the fear of negative judgment, being perceived as lazy or incompetent, or being overly eager to please can hinder our ability to say no, developing this…

  • Computer, kill Flanders

    Computer, kill Flanders

    There’s a lot of buzz around artificial intelligence. Some people are concerned about losing their jobs to artificial intelligence, some other people are excited about all the attention they get when they talk about how we all will lose our jobs to artificial intelligence. But most people don’t get artificial intelligence, and will dump it…

  • One screen to rule them all

    One screen to rule them all

    As a late gen-x my wet dream has always been having a large dashboard full of controllers and screens, a wall of screens. With a thought deeply rooted in my brain: “if only I had one more screen”. I would be more productive, I would work faster, I would do more things at the same…